all postcodes in N9 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N9 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N9 9DB 32 0 51.62246 -0.080085
N9 9DD 2 0 51.629928 -0.06389
N9 9DF 45 0 51.631154 -0.064662
N9 9DG 42 0 51.631248 -0.064325
N9 9DH 22 0 51.629149 -0.063533
N9 9DL 28 0 51.627927 -0.063643
N9 9DN 18 1 51.626495 -0.062375
N9 9DP 16 5 51.625362 -0.061874
N9 9DQ 25 0 51.629133 -0.063115
N9 9DR 5 5 51.625365 -0.061484
N9 9DT 18 0 51.627287 -0.062962
N9 9DU 18 2 51.625206 -0.062762
N9 9DW 39 1 51.626506 -0.06197
N9 9DX 18 10 51.625116 -0.061639
N9 9DY 22 2 51.62576 -0.063649
N9 9EA 20 0 51.626717 -0.063839
N9 9EB 37 0 51.627692 -0.064087
N9 9ED 8 0 51.627067 -0.063824
N9 9EE 29 0 51.629218 -0.06392
N9 9EF 62 1 51.631099 -0.065112