all postcodes in NE22 / BEDLINGTON

find any address or company within the NE22 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE22 5TE 0 55.127506 -1.594182
NE22 5TF 0 55.127387 -1.598747
NE22 5TL 1 55.130806 -1.597599
NE22 5TN 10 55.130964 -1.593614
NE22 5TT 4 55.130709 -1.595247
NE22 5TU 1 55.130878 -1.597363
NE22 5TZ 5 55.131014 -1.598757
NE22 5UA 9 55.131219 -1.595477
NE22 5UB 25 55.131406 -1.597702
NE22 5UD 0 55.13096 -1.59788
NE22 5UG 0 55.13047 -1.599265
NE22 5UH 0 55.131718 -1.596084
NE22 5UJ 0 55.138546 -1.56938
NE22 5UP 0 55.136663 -1.56791
NE22 5UR 0 55.137858 -1.567881
NE22 5UT 0 55.136877 -1.567468
NE22 5UU 0 55.138938 -1.56834
NE22 5UW 0 55.137851 -1.568399
NE22 5UX 2 55.139424 -1.568617
NE22 5UZ 1 55.140508 -1.568667