all postcodes in NE22 / BEDLINGTON

find any address or company within the NE22 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE22 5BL 10 0 55.138276 -1.569241
NE22 5LE 4 0 55.135933 -1.568325
NE22 5PY 0 55.137751 -1.575835
NE22 5GZ 12 0 55.13474 -1.578408
NE22 5PD 0 55.135717 -1.580264
NE22 5LB 0 55.132875 -1.579369
NE22 5BP 32 0 55.135423 -1.586275
NE22 5SA 0 55.125672 -1.593793
NE22 5SB 0 55.124822 -1.593205
NE22 5SD 0 55.125754 -1.595187
NE22 5SE 0 55.125374 -1.59425
NE22 5BS 18 0 55.130413 -1.593556
NE22 6AA 2 55.124266 -1.600879
NE22 6AB 0 55.120691 -1.61523
NE22 6AD 0 55.118253 -1.62891
NE22 6AH 0 55.115511 -1.625361
NE22 6AJ 0 55.115747 -1.623289
NE22 6AL 0 55.115011 -1.624408
NE22 6AN 1 55.116713 -1.624581
NE22 6AP 1 55.127506 -1.642875