all postcodes in NE22 / BEDLINGTON

find any address or company within the NE22 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE22 6EH 0 55.134065 -1.604907
NE22 6EJ 0 55.134232 -1.606505
NE22 6EL 0 55.134362 -1.607805
NE22 6EN 0 55.133327 -1.604443
NE22 6EP 0 55.133926 -1.606241
NE22 6EQ 1 55.131707 -1.603659
NE22 6ER 0 55.134039 -1.608028
NE22 6ES 0 55.133641 -1.607044
NE22 6ET 0 55.133707 -1.60811
NE22 6EU 0 55.133318 -1.607094
NE22 6EW 1 55.133501 -1.605461
NE22 6EX 0 55.133467 -1.608802
NE22 6EY 0 55.134081 -1.604185
NE22 6EZ 0 55.133619 -1.608754
NE22 6HA 1 55.1344 -1.608338
NE22 6HB 0 55.132571 -1.609548
NE22 6HE 0 55.131196 -1.615349
NE22 6HF 0 55.130577 -1.615574
NE22 6HG 0 55.130751 -1.616749
NE22 6HH 0 55.135873 -1.602708