all postcodes in NE22 / BEDLINGTON

find any address or company within the NE22 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE22 5EX 0 55.137471 -1.572779
NE22 5HB 8 55.139097 -1.570299
NE22 5HD 0 55.137783 -1.569623
NE22 5HE 0 55.136262 -1.569059
NE22 5HF 0 55.137737 -1.571851
NE22 5HG 0 55.136817 -1.573492
NE22 5HH 0 55.137318 -1.570208
NE22 5HJ 0 55.136482 -1.570061
NE22 5HL 0 55.135936 -1.570772
NE22 5HN 0 55.136592 -1.573306
NE22 5HP 0 55.136105 -1.572888
NE22 5HQ 0 55.135446 -1.577114
NE22 5HR 0 55.135465 -1.572173
NE22 5HS 6 55.134818 -1.574815
NE22 5HT 0 55.134892 -1.57287
NE22 5HU 1 55.135077 -1.571817
NE22 5HW 0 55.135778 -1.574476
NE22 5HX 0 55.135196 -1.572427
NE22 5HY 0 55.135388 -1.573351
NE22 5HZ 0 55.135209 -1.574606