all postcodes in NE27 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE27 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE27 0AA 1 1 55.036964 -1.522684
NE27 0AB 1 1 55.037342 -1.525292
NE27 0AD 1 0 55.043226 -1.536381
NE27 0AE 1 1 55.039166 -1.525083
NE27 0AG 1 1 55.042153 -1.528397
NE27 0AH 2 2 55.042844 -1.53086
NE27 0AJ 2 0 55.043621 -1.529598
NE27 0AL 4 0 55.044047 -1.53019
NE27 0AN 8 0 55.043608 -1.53096
NE27 0AP 7 1 55.043962 -1.533759
NE27 0AQ 5 0 55.042721 -1.528812
NE27 0AR 18 0 55.042873 -1.535728
NE27 0AS 2 0 55.043635 -1.533135
NE27 0AT 2 0 55.043344 -1.534641
NE27 0AU 2 0 55.043256 -1.535158
NE27 0AW 5 0 55.043955 -1.532084
NE27 0AX 58 0 55.041852 -1.536833
NE27 0AY 47 0 55.040312 -1.538541
NE27 0AZ 51 0 55.041489 -1.538277
NE27 0BA 18 0 55.041162 -1.53944