all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

find any address or company within the NE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 6SP 0 54.992221 -1.491675
NE28 6SQ 0 54.991262 -1.494453
NE28 6SR 1 54.990771 -1.488708
NE28 6ST 2 54.990679 -1.482111
NE28 6SU 2 54.99125 -1.489543
NE28 6SW 0 54.991173 -1.492407
NE28 6SZ 4 54.990717 -1.533469
NE28 6TB 4 54.990111 -1.532257
NE28 6TD 5 54.990517 -1.532722
NE28 6TG 0 54.991023 -1.531168
NE28 6TH 4 54.991018 -1.5322
NE28 6TJ 1 54.991088 -1.531793
NE28 6TQ 0 54.990773 -1.531562
NE28 6TR 1 54.99582 -1.512356
NE28 6TT 2 54.992458 -1.503532
NE28 6TU 1 54.993676 -1.504379
NE28 6TZ 3 54.990397 -1.498384
NE28 6UA 1 54.990241 -1.501702
NE28 6UE 13 54.988972 -1.492776
NE28 6UZ 6 54.988628 -1.521051