all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

find any address or company within the NE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 8BD 0 55.002668 -1.549887
NE28 8BE 0 55.00216 -1.548704
NE28 8BG 0 55.002178 -1.551096
NE28 8DA 3 55.000298 -1.543332
NE28 8DB 0 54.994766 -1.536986
NE28 8DD 0 54.995241 -1.53684
NE28 8DE 0 54.995667 -1.537773
NE28 8DF 0 54.995598 -1.538976
NE28 8DG 1 54.995867 -1.538396
NE28 8SQ 0 54.9951 -1.537404
NE28 8DH 0 54.99634 -1.539844
NE28 8DJ 0 54.99676 -1.539136
NE28 8DL 0 54.996784 -1.538479
NE28 8DN 0 54.997013 -1.539649
NE28 8DP 0 54.99865 -1.542397
NE28 8DQ 0 54.995549 -1.539838
NE28 8DR 0 54.999172 -1.542626
NE28 8DS 0 54.998896 -1.543129
NE28 8DT 0 54.998338 -1.543104
NE28 8DU 0 54.997577 -1.54144