all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

find any address or company within the NE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 8DW 0 54.998086 -1.540668
NE28 8DX 1 54.996887 -1.544308
NE28 8DY 0 54.997935 -1.54339
NE28 8DZ 0 54.997715 -1.544533
NE28 8EA 0 54.998682 -1.546148
NE28 8EB 0 54.998388 -1.546808
NE28 8ED 0 54.998025 -1.548297
NE28 8EE 1 54.998349 -1.54598
NE28 8EF 0 54.997075 -1.54651
NE28 8EG 0 54.997486 -1.545818
NE28 8EH 1 54.996065 -1.545942
NE28 8EN 1 54.997156 -1.541648
NE28 8EP 0 54.995797 -1.543649
NE28 8EQ 0 54.996971 -1.545261
NE28 8ER 0 54.99589 -1.544507
NE28 8ES 0 54.995061 -1.543782
NE28 8HA 0 54.993186 -1.532862
NE28 8HB 0 54.991958 -1.533643
NE28 8HD 0 54.992587 -1.533604
NE28 8HE 0 54.993229 -1.534597