all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

find any address or company within the NE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 6LW 19 0 54.992315 -1.494612
NE28 6RY 2 0 54.989901 -1.536696
NE28 6SS 1 1 54.989887 -1.532557
NE28 6JG 0 54.99407 -1.499654
NE28 6JH 0 54.99474 -1.498864
NE28 6JJ 0 54.993311 -1.500804
NE28 6JL 0 54.993958 -1.498702
NE28 6JN 0 54.993515 -1.498113
NE28 6AD 0 54.991852 -1.511247
NE28 6AF 0 54.99155 -1.512063
NE28 6AG 0 54.991893 -1.510184
NE28 6JW 0 54.994411 -1.504414
NE28 6SG 2 54.989619 -1.486469
NE28 6RB 0 54.990351 -1.534005
NE28 6QJ 0 54.991646 -1.527176
NE28 6UL 0 54.989292 -1.48521
NE28 6DJ 0 54.989496 -1.536093
NE28 6TE 0 54.992817 -1.492198
NE28 6TF 0 54.990215 -1.53596
NE28 6HJ 1 0 54.988052 -1.529765