all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

find any address or company within the NE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 7DP 0 54.999021 -1.506345
NE28 7DQ 0 54.997038 -1.504822
NE28 7DR 0 55.000246 -1.504798
NE28 7DS 0 55.000662 -1.505792
NE28 7DT 0 55.001212 -1.505912
NE28 7DU 0 55.002141 -1.50676
NE28 7DW 0 54.998408 -1.505728
NE28 7DX 0 55.00038 -1.506719
NE28 7DY 0 54.998848 -1.508362
NE28 7DZ 0 54.999956 -1.506349
NE28 7ED 0 54.999893 -1.508523
NE28 7EE 0 55.000599 -1.507545
NE28 7EF 0 55.000944 -1.508463
NE28 7EG 0 55.001292 -1.507834
NE28 7EH 0 55.00229 -1.508056
NE28 7EJ 0 55.00284 -1.508362
NE28 7EL 0 55.002991 -1.508016
NE28 7EN 0 54.994178 -1.531444
NE28 7EP 0 54.994529 -1.531581
NE28 7EQ 0 55.002066 -1.505808