all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 7QR 49 0 55.005298 -1.464727
NE29 7QT 16 4 55.003979 -1.465198
NE29 7QW 35 11 55.007362 -1.4644
NE29 7QX 40 0 55.004947 -1.462684
NE29 7QZ 53 0 55.006022 -1.463967
NE29 7RE 24 0 55.006147 -1.46173
NE29 7RF 7 0 55.006813 -1.461877
NE29 7RG 32 0 55.004651 -1.462657
NE29 7RH 9 0 55.004243 -1.461834
NE29 7RJ 26 0 55.003613 -1.461795
NE29 7RL 17 0 55.003444 -1.464049
NE29 7RN 15 0 55.003629 -1.465234
NE29 7RP 19 0 55.003572 -1.466689
NE29 7RQ 28 0 55.004406 -1.462113
NE29 7RR 9 0 55.00308 -1.467133
NE29 7RS 10 0 55.0032 -1.467866
NE29 7RT 34 0 55.003647 -1.467376
NE29 7RW 3 1 55.003972 -1.465667
NE29 7RX 29 0 55.004357 -1.467304
NE29 7SA 26 0 55.004828 -1.466219