all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 7SB 26 0 55.005679 -1.465707
NE29 7SF 6 5 55.007493 -1.490371
NE29 7SH 1 1 54.999275 -1.481266
NE29 7SJ 1 1 55.004832 -1.485918
NE29 7SW 3 3 55.007087 -1.488031
NE29 7SU 4 2 55.002744 -1.485069
NE29 7SX 12 5 55.005921 -1.488701
NE29 7SY 2 2 55.005662 -1.487093
NE29 7SZ 3 2 55.004458 -1.486767
NE29 7TA 8 7 55.003611 -1.486106
NE29 7UJ 7 6 55.011113 -1.483633
NE29 7TN 7 3 55.004617 -1.477603
NE29 7TY 47 26 55.009341 -1.483406
NE29 7UN 1 1 55.015124 -1.488773
NE29 7UZ 6 6 55.003994 -1.485303
NE29 7WY 1 1 55.018204 -1.490329
NE29 7XB 5 4 55.004538 -1.482542
NE29 7XE 8 0 55.003247 -1.466334
NE29 7XH 10 8 55.005613 -1.483858
NE29 7XJ 11 10 55.004254 -1.487426