all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 8BL 18 0 55.017776 -1.480404
NE29 8BN 6 0 55.018825 -1.479984
NE29 8BP 21 0 55.020495 -1.48162
NE29 8BQ 14 0 55.01844 -1.482413
NE29 8BS 41 0 55.02272 -1.4873
NE29 8BT 40 0 55.023101 -1.488109
NE29 8BU 19 0 55.02073 -1.488421
NE29 8BW 25 0 55.019843 -1.480518
NE29 8BX 25 0 55.020927 -1.479738
NE29 8BY 9 0 55.021175 -1.478796
NE29 8BZ 15 0 55.02029 -1.477916
NE29 8DA 1 0 55.021126 -1.477921
NE29 8DB 39 0 55.019623 -1.481678
NE29 8DD 32 0 55.021423 -1.480122
NE29 8DE 7 0 55.021784 -1.480602
NE29 8DF 8 0 55.021814 -1.481306
NE29 8DG 7 0 55.022255 -1.481394
NE29 8DH 26 0 55.022655 -1.48239
NE29 8DJ 57 0 55.023159 -1.482696
NE29 8DL 12 0 55.022694 -1.483281