all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 8DN 24 0 55.02291 -1.485484
NE29 8DP 21 1 55.021638 -1.484327
NE29 8DQ 10 0 55.022167 -1.481849
NE29 8DR 21 0 55.021949 -1.483322
NE29 8DS 43 0 55.024298 -1.484214
NE29 8DT 6 0 55.01896 -1.482172
NE29 8DU 22 0 55.022244 -1.487213
NE29 8DW 20 0 55.022644 -1.484204
NE29 8DX 1 1 55.016463 -1.497342
NE29 8DZ 1 1 55.021149 -1.491809
NE29 8EA 31 5 55.024907 -1.487976
NE29 8ED 15 0 55.024612 -1.488387
NE29 8EH 1 1 55.025728 -1.495224
NE29 8EJ 44 0 55.021577 -1.488863
NE29 8EL 44 1 55.025234 -1.491085
NE29 8EN 63 0 55.024273 -1.488954
NE29 8EP 35 1 55.025183 -1.487472
NE29 8ER 20 0 55.026235 -1.489633
NE29 8ES 27 0 55.025888 -1.490498
NE29 8EU 48 1 55.024793 -1.484396