all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 6PG 0 54.99946 -1.471558
NE29 6PH 0 54.999385 -1.471043
NE29 6PJ 0 54.998978 -1.470455
NE29 6PL 0 54.998762 -1.470161
NE29 6PN 0 54.998562 -1.469741
NE29 6PP 0 54.998136 -1.46884
NE29 6PQ 1 55.007748 -1.446042
NE29 6PR 0 54.997945 -1.468374
NE29 6PT 1 55.008607 -1.447124
NE29 6PW 0 54.998335 -1.469306
NE29 6QA 15 55.008451 -1.446392
NE29 6QD 7 55.00878 -1.4477
NE29 6QF 8 55.008951 -1.447651
NE29 6QH 4 55.008028 -1.446351
NE29 6QJ 1 55.007828 -1.446054
NE29 6QN 4 55.007745 -1.445213
NE29 6QP 2 55.00721 -1.446143
NE29 6QR 5 55.006594 -1.447074
NE29 6QT 1 55.007364 -1.446532
NE29 6QU 6 55.006873 -1.447273