all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 6QW 2 55.007489 -1.446389
NE29 6QX 0 55.005388 -1.448748
NE29 6QZ 8 55.005266 -1.449515
NE29 6RA 4 55.005694 -1.448775
NE29 6RB 0 55.005971 -1.448427
NE29 6RE 1 55.005491 -1.449792
NE29 6RF 0 55.005679 -1.449479
NE29 6RG 0 55.006183 -1.449659
NE29 6RH 0 55.007107 -1.447549
NE29 6RJ 0 55.007416 -1.448126
NE29 6RL 0 55.006929 -1.449571
NE29 6RN 0 55.007259 -1.449222
NE29 6RP 1 55.007707 -1.448872
NE29 6RQ 1 55.006633 -1.447902
NE29 6RR 9 55.007484 -1.447419
NE29 6RS 0 55.007835 -1.447229
NE29 6RW 0 55.007289 -1.449722
NE29 6RX 16 55.009224 -1.446459
NE29 6SE 0 55.006102 -1.451646
NE29 6SF 0 55.005395 -1.450295