all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 6SG 0 55.005416 -1.450905
NE29 6SH 0 55.005272 -1.452908
NE29 6SJ 0 55.005384 -1.451843
NE29 6SL 2 55.004633 -1.452557
NE29 6SN 0 55.004134 -1.451532
NE29 6SP 0 55.003707 -1.452538
NE29 6SQ 0 55.005556 -1.452076
NE29 6SR 0 55.003259 -1.452935
NE29 6SS 0 55.003132 -1.452515
NE29 6ST 1 55.00295 -1.452002
NE29 6SU 1 55.002219 -1.451728
NE29 6SW 0 55.003789 -1.452897
NE29 6SX 0 55.00382 -1.453741
NE29 6SY 0 55.002684 -1.45088
NE29 6TE 1 55.002262 -1.44932
NE29 6TF 14 55.002052 -1.450573
NE29 6TG 4 55.003796 -1.448736
NE29 6TH 3 55.00414 -1.45086
NE29 6TJ 1 55.003946 -1.449969
NE29 6TL 1 55.001722 -1.456833