all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 6XQ 77 0 54.99983 -1.451716
NE29 6XR 23 0 54.998498 -1.457283
NE29 6XS 21 0 54.999373 -1.458022
NE29 6XT 15 0 54.998395 -1.458332
NE29 6XU 13 0 54.999323 -1.458789
NE29 6XW 34 0 55.000364 -1.450474
NE29 6XX 46 0 54.999538 -1.450641
NE29 6XY 27 0 55.000577 -1.465994
NE29 6XZ 60 0 54.999774 -1.465332
NE29 6YA 28 0 54.999123 -1.466607
NE29 6YB 50 0 54.998527 -1.465802
NE29 6YD 17 0 55.000008 -1.467533
NE29 6YE 13 0 54.999699 -1.466631
NE29 6YF 56 0 54.998207 -1.450566
NE29 6YG 13 0 54.99894 -1.44968
NE29 6YH 16 0 54.997649 -1.452308
NE29 6YJ 14 0 54.997546 -1.449434
NE29 6YL 16 0 54.998218 -1.44883
NE29 6YQ 7 0 54.997453 -1.450607
NE29 6YW 85 0 54.996144 -1.455424