all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 6WT 0 54.996932 -1.456804
NE29 6HB 0 55.003791 -1.445361
NE29 6HT 1 1 55.00092 -1.474775
NE29 6GL 8 0 55.004041 -1.448969
NE29 6EA 2 2 54.992553 -1.452018
NE29 6TS 3 55.00133 -1.449616
NE29 6UR 1 55.003862 -1.459475
NE29 6HU 2 0 55.005408 -1.443476
NE29 6JT 0 54.996834 -1.471202
NE29 6TA 0 55.003163 -1.447838
NE29 6UY 34 0 54.996871 -1.449441
NE29 7AA 1 0 55.004763 -1.469894
NE29 7AB 18 3 55.004712 -1.470908
NE29 7AD 6 0 55.003864 -1.471844
NE29 7AE 30 0 55.004075 -1.472889
NE29 7AF 24 0 55.003396 -1.47368
NE29 7AG 10 0 55.003176 -1.474808
NE29 7AH 44 1 55.003604 -1.476038
NE29 7AJ 4 2 55.00301 -1.475967
NE29 7AL 31 0 55.002797 -1.476611