all postcodes in NE30 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE30 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE30 4PA 0 55.033712 -1.434857
NE30 4PB 1 55.034097 -1.434586
NE30 4PD 1 55.03456 -1.435487
NE30 4PE 0 55.036228 -1.436637
NE30 4PF 0 55.03726 -1.436419
NE30 4PG 0 55.036316 -1.436291
NE30 4PH 0 55.034735 -1.434624
NE30 4PJ 4 55.036598 -1.435581
NE30 4PL 7 55.03511 -1.433899
NE30 4PN 6 55.035528 -1.432954
NE30 4PP 0 55.035359 -1.433535
NE30 4PQ 5 55.035457 -1.435208
NE30 4PR 0 55.015179 -1.426454
NE30 4PS 0 55.014923 -1.429319
NE30 4PT 0 55.015006 -1.427864
NE30 4PW 1 55.034932 -1.434386
NE30 4PX 1 55.037548 -1.434521
NE30 4PY 0 55.036868 -1.433373
NE30 4PZ 1 55.03495 -1.432524
NE30 4QB 0 55.035809 -1.431994