all postcodes in NE30 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE30 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE30 1AF 12 10 55.009448 -1.444376
NE30 1AG 1 1 55.011429 -1.443301
NE30 1AL 1 1 55.0098 -1.444794
NE30 1AP 1 1 55.009767 -1.445373
NE30 1AR 27 15 55.008808 -1.444211
NE30 1AW 11 0 55.007517 -1.442589
NE30 1AX 1 1 55.009125 -1.444569
NE30 1AY 4 2 55.009054 -1.442771
NE30 1AZ 9 2 55.00866 -1.44309
NE30 1BA 2 0 55.010015 -1.444509
NE30 1BD 1 1 55.009272 -1.443175
NE30 1BE 29 0 55.010736 -1.439058
NE30 1BN 10 0 55.010223 -1.440988
NE30 1BP 5 1 55.010347 -1.438547
NE30 1BS 5 0 55.010192 -1.43808
NE30 1BT 19 0 55.01056 -1.439873
NE30 1BU 1 1 55.010298 -1.439674
NE30 1BW 20 0 55.010384 -1.440736
NE30 1BX 9 0 55.011057 -1.440476
NE30 1BZ 1 1 55.011884 -1.44048