all postcodes in NE31 / HEBBURN

find any address or company within the NE31 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE31 1UU 0 54.970296 -1.520741
NE31 1UX 0 54.97094 -1.519999
NE31 1UY 1 54.971457 -1.519428
NE31 1UZ 2 54.972119 -1.518251
NE31 1XG 0 54.972793 -1.515884
NE31 1XH 0 54.980494 -1.522604
NE31 1XL 0 54.973119 -1.51424
NE31 1XN 0 54.972702 -1.513292
NE31 1XP 0 54.974697 -1.517861
NE31 1XQ 4 54.972903 -1.516476
NE31 1XS 1 54.974528 -1.518269
NE31 1XT 0 54.973409 -1.517189
NE31 1XW 0 54.973622 -1.516389
NE31 1XZ 1 54.981121 -1.48694
NE31 1YB 0 54.975383 -1.505276
NE31 1YD 1 54.976418 -1.503451
NE31 1YE 2 54.977113 -1.502067
NE31 1YF 0 54.977656 -1.500639
NE31 1YH 0 54.978261 -1.512428
NE31 1YJ 0 54.978427 -1.513613