all postcodes in NE31 / HEBBURN

find any address or company within the NE31 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE31 1YN 0 54.972504 -1.511107
NE31 1YP 0 54.980761 -1.526522
NE31 1YQ 3 54.977642 -1.501996
NE31 1YR 0 54.981089 -1.527768
NE31 1YW 0 54.973171 -1.511646
NE31 1SG 18 5 54.98287 -1.503418
NE31 1WU 1 54.981121 -1.48694
NE31 1FD 0 54.975384 -1.518883
NE31 1FE 0 54.975968 -1.51883
NE31 1FF 0 54.976875 -1.51646
NE31 1FG 0 54.976701 -1.517962
NE31 1FH 0 54.977022 -1.517255
NE31 1FB 0 54.975809 -1.517379
NE31 1RQ 48 0 54.973981 -1.525974
NE31 1RR 21 0 54.97445 -1.525831
NE31 1RL 58 0 54.973394 -1.524781
NE31 1AS 0 54.978958 -1.518231
NE31 1AR 0 54.978469 -1.517456
NE31 1AQ 0 54.977923 -1.517838
NE31 1RG 8 0 54.973354 -1.525922