all postcodes in NE33 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE33 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE33 5PZ 14 1 54.985494 -1.433487
NE33 5AE 51 0 54.981071 -1.442846
NE33 5AH 37 0 54.98483 -1.439544
NE33 5AL 20 0 54.982721 -1.441948
NE33 5AS 2 2 54.98332 -1.443221
NE33 5AT 27 0 54.983932 -1.441463
NE33 5AW 39 0 54.982992 -1.44221
NE33 5BZ 24 18 54.987328 -1.441695
NE33 5BY 7 5 54.988284 -1.442307
NE33 5DD 37 0 54.98473 -1.441124
NE33 5DE 49 0 54.985869 -1.440702
NE33 5DF 44 0 54.984324 -1.442708
NE33 5DG 29 0 54.985238 -1.442242
NE33 5DH 17 0 54.984033 -1.439961
NE33 5DL 21 11 54.990108 -1.436468
NE33 5DP 28 1 54.990672 -1.435759
NE33 5DQ 26 0 54.98599 -1.441481
NE33 5DR 45 0 54.989878 -1.435113
NE33 5DU 5 5 54.987693 -1.436785
NE33 5DX 2 2 54.989328 -1.436822