all postcodes in NE33 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE33 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE33 5DY 35 10 54.988648 -1.437256
NE33 5DZ 7 1 54.989251 -1.437667
NE33 5EA 31 13 54.98872 -1.437628
NE33 5EF 2 0 54.988057 -1.437903
NE33 5HF 4 0 54.984107 -1.438663
NE33 5HG 40 1 54.983568 -1.43895
NE33 5HH 3 0 54.982896 -1.43893
NE33 5HJ 2 0 54.982907 -1.439772
NE33 5HL 45 2 54.982318 -1.440313
NE33 5HN 39 1 54.982253 -1.43997
NE33 5HP 38 1 54.982088 -1.439223
NE33 5HS 39 1 54.983639 -1.438373
NE33 5HT 7 0 54.984411 -1.438175
NE33 5HW 47 0 54.982126 -1.43955
NE33 5HX 56 0 54.985833 -1.438796
NE33 5JN 19 0 54.980631 -1.443006
NE33 5JY 22 0 54.980155 -1.439294
NE33 5JZ 29 0 54.980883 -1.438974
NE33 5LA 42 0 54.980879 -1.438115
NE33 5LB 14 0 54.98089 -1.438489