all postcodes in NE33 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE33 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE33 2RD 25 1 54.99762 -1.426485
NE33 2RE 22 0 54.997677 -1.427079
NE33 2RF 26 0 54.997473 -1.427597
NE33 2RG 9 0 54.998179 -1.426946
NE33 2RH 16 0 54.998372 -1.427866
NE33 2RJ 41 1 54.99726 -1.428304
NE33 2RL 1 1 54.994972 -1.429102
NE33 2RN 9 1 54.994911 -1.427446
NE33 2RP 24 1 54.995477 -1.425717
NE33 2RQ 12 0 54.997907 -1.428248
NE33 2RR 40 0 54.995721 -1.425872
NE33 2RS 17 0 54.996135 -1.424037
NE33 2RT 9 0 54.996191 -1.424521
NE33 2RU 8 0 54.996517 -1.423125
NE33 2RX 9 1 54.996932 -1.423572
NE33 2RY 11 0 54.996443 -1.424611
NE33 2RZ 5 0 54.996176 -1.425255
NE33 2SA 19 0 54.996145 -1.426178
NE33 2SD 9 0 54.99587 -1.426948
NE33 2SP 26 1 54.994034 -1.42824