all postcodes in NE33 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE33 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE33 2SS 24 0 54.994175 -1.427644
NE33 2SW 3 0 54.993469 -1.428608
NE33 2SX 24 0 54.994254 -1.427362
NE33 2SY 13 0 54.994906 -1.424648
NE33 2SZ 45 0 54.99453 -1.426686
NE33 2TA 46 1 54.994814 -1.425947
NE33 2TB 43 0 54.99516 -1.425268
NE33 2TD 22 0 54.995463 -1.424562
NE33 2TE 42 1 54.99581 -1.42387
NE33 2TF 19 0 54.99594 -1.422836
NE33 2TG 48 0 54.996476 -1.422094
NE33 2TH 16 0 54.995341 -1.423501
NE33 2TQ 22 0 54.996052 -1.42174
NE33 2TR 1 1 55.005582 -1.434158
NE33 2WD 1 1 54.997783 -1.432579
NE33 2YT 1 1 54.997783 -1.432579
NE33 2LX 1 1 54.999111 -1.426386
NE33 2JG 1 0 55.003099 -1.416417
NE33 2NR 2 0 55.000088 -1.423902
NE33 3AA 19 0 54.991202 -1.426139