all postcodes in NE33 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE33 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE33 3AE 3 0 54.991 -1.425126
NE33 3AG 35 0 54.991021 -1.425923
NE33 3AH 15 0 54.990174 -1.425372
NE33 3AJ 33 0 54.990144 -1.424607
NE33 3AL 4 0 54.99024 -1.424074
NE33 3AN 24 1 54.988945 -1.422061
NE33 3AP 1 0 54.990087 -1.422185
NE33 3AQ 28 0 54.990677 -1.425381
NE33 3AR 80 0 54.989645 -1.421801
NE33 3AS 60 0 54.990337 -1.420025
NE33 3AT 3 0 54.990215 -1.420652
NE33 3AU 28 0 54.990132 -1.4222
NE33 3AW 40 2 54.988906 -1.421327
NE33 3AX 17 0 54.990644 -1.420208
NE33 3AY 6 1 54.99063 -1.419083
NE33 3AZ 54 0 54.991307 -1.418026
NE33 3BA 30 0 54.99141 -1.418744
NE33 3BB 22 0 54.991861 -1.417377
NE33 3BD 27 0 54.992438 -1.41579
NE33 3BE 10 1 54.992123 -1.415686