all postcodes in NE33 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE33 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE33 1RS 8 0 54.990041 -1.445129
NE33 1RW 3 2 54.991077 -1.441645
NE33 1RZ 1 1 54.987408 -1.445196
NE33 1SB 20 0 54.988871 -1.442738
NE33 1SD 23 0 54.989322 -1.443107
NE33 1SE 36 0 54.989933 -1.443192
NE33 1SF 14 0 54.989842 -1.44471
NE33 1SG 1 1 54.989846 -1.442004
NE33 1SH 20 4 54.989764 -1.439632
NE33 1SQ 1 1 54.99009 -1.442049
NE33 1TA 22 13 55.000052 -1.433376
NE33 1TF 1 1 55.003816 -1.437012
NE33 1TL 70 10 55.002752 -1.438262
NE33 1TN 25 0 55.002617 -1.434356
NE33 1TS 1 0 54.999175 -1.432464
NE33 1TT 40 0 55.000615 -1.434806
NE33 1UE 24 0 54.994264 -1.439178
NE33 1AX 3 54.997115 -1.433777
NE33 1BT 3 3 54.998138 -1.433604
NE33 1PN 2 54.995901 -1.431807