all postcodes in NE33 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE33 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE33 1TH 0 55.002825 -1.436448
NE33 1LE 0 54.999073 -1.437392
NE33 1SJ 0 54.996377 -1.439289
NE33 1SA 42 16 54.989284 -1.440763
NE33 1LF 51 0 55.002613 -1.437621
NE33 2AA 3 2 55.000246 -1.432839
NE33 2AB 8 0 55.004661 -1.435265
NE33 2AE 30 0 55.004442 -1.436425
NE33 2AF 36 0 55.004746 -1.434232
NE33 2AJ 27 0 55.004974 -1.429163
NE33 2AL 9 0 55.003755 -1.427867
NE33 2AN 27 0 55.003723 -1.42865
NE33 2AP 9 0 55.003555 -1.429324
NE33 2AQ 36 0 55.005554 -1.432016
NE33 2AR 19 1 55.003931 -1.428928
NE33 2AS 3 0 55.0042 -1.428909
NE33 2AT 10 0 55.005169 -1.430318
NE33 2AU 5 0 55.005368 -1.430737
NE33 2AW 34 0 55.0032 -1.430158
NE33 2AX 13 0 55.005135 -1.430897