all postcodes in NE37 / WASHINGTON

find any address or company within the NE37 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE37 2HB 11 0 54.917716 -1.525
NE37 2HD 15 0 54.918051 -1.525636
NE37 2HE 1 1 54.918471 -1.525179
NE37 2HF 14 2 54.918613 -1.527002
NE37 2HG 30 0 54.919259 -1.52662
NE37 2HH 22 0 54.919625 -1.528348
NE37 2HJ 22 0 54.918892 -1.529339
NE37 2HL 26 0 54.918711 -1.529029
NE37 2HN 30 0 54.918286 -1.528379
NE37 2HP 20 0 54.917436 -1.527016
NE37 2HQ 26 0 54.919515 -1.527959
NE37 2HR 14 0 54.918137 -1.527148
NE37 2HS 23 0 54.921528 -1.525595
NE37 2HT 35 1 54.914935 -1.517233
NE37 2HU 35 0 54.911554 -1.525712
NE37 2HW 20 0 54.917487 -1.52856
NE37 2HX 36 0 54.912113 -1.52622
NE37 2HZ 5 0 54.914741 -1.518109
NE37 2JF 36 0 54.915299 -1.527587
NE37 2JG 42 0 54.915523 -1.527241