all postcodes in NE37 / WASHINGTON

find any address or company within the NE37 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE37 2LH 7 0 54.916781 -1.525042
NE37 2LJ 6 0 54.9166 -1.524577
NE37 2LL 35 0 54.921539 -1.530822
NE37 2LN 19 0 54.923309 -1.526027
NE37 2LP 22 0 54.922212 -1.525946
NE37 2LQ 42 0 54.915855 -1.527175
NE37 2LR 11 0 54.921887 -1.52765
NE37 2LS 59 0 54.921892 -1.526855
NE37 2LT 53 0 54.921657 -1.528808
NE37 2LU 12 0 54.922273 -1.527708
NE37 2LW 14 0 54.922926 -1.526811
NE37 2LX 11 0 54.92217 -1.528973
NE37 2LY 14 0 54.921242 -1.528329
NE37 2LZ 26 0 54.917673 -1.523347
NE37 2NB 18 0 54.918798 -1.523755
NE37 2ND 36 0 54.920237 -1.524019
NE37 2NE 15 0 54.920958 -1.522403
NE37 2NG 15 0 54.920646 -1.522875
NE37 2NL 7 0 54.920989 -1.520921
NE37 2NN 10 0 54.921047 -1.519875