all postcodes in NE37 / WASHINGTON

find any address or company within the NE37 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE37 2NS 17 0 54.919009 -1.522551
NE37 2NT 6 0 54.918693 -1.522243
NE37 2NU 38 0 54.918442 -1.520015
NE37 2NW 21 0 54.920972 -1.51894
NE37 2PA 7 7 54.907087 -1.501136
NE37 2PE 16 0 54.918111 -1.522624
NE37 2PU 1 1 54.913411 -1.524864
NE37 2PX 8 1 54.91415 -1.52571
NE37 2PY 15 12 54.91396 -1.525232
NE37 2PZ 11 0 54.914388 -1.526646
NE37 2QA 16 0 54.914938 -1.52469
NE37 2QB 40 0 54.914144 -1.524028
NE37 2QD 1 1 54.914436 -1.523211
NE37 2QE 22 0 54.913693 -1.52355
NE37 2QG 15 0 54.913677 -1.521725
NE37 2QH 14 0 54.914187 -1.521189
NE37 2QJ 23 0 54.914729 -1.519747
NE37 2QL 16 0 54.914634 -1.520575
NE37 2QN 8 0 54.915072 -1.519993
NE37 2QP 32 0 54.915412 -1.521939