all postcodes in NE37 / WASHINGTON

find any address or company within the NE37 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE37 2SW 12 12 54.913076 -1.522198
NE37 2SY 18 15 54.912661 -1.523921
NE37 2TA 4 3 54.912805 -1.52649
NE37 2TD 1 1 54.912711 -1.527446
NE37 2TE 9 5 54.913289 -1.528653
NE37 2TF 1 1 54.913262 -1.528219
NE37 2TG 13 0 54.913596 -1.526203
NE37 2TH 4 0 54.91313 -1.526567
NE37 2TJ 4 0 54.913223 -1.532041
NE37 2TL 12 0 54.913235 -1.533008
NE37 2TN 5 0 54.913195 -1.534288
NE37 2TP 12 0 54.914347 -1.534618
NE37 2TQ 13 0 54.913606 -1.526531
NE37 2TR 22 1 54.91862 -1.524347
NE37 2TS 5 0 54.921844 -1.537527
NE37 2TT 12 0 54.925375 -1.521212
NE37 2TU 23 0 54.920158 -1.52455
NE37 2TW 3 0 54.913386 -1.534738
NE37 2TX 8 0 54.913149 -1.529328
NE37 2UA 8 0 54.906563 -1.52039