all postcodes in NE37 / WASHINGTON

find any address or company within the NE37 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE37 1NF 8 0 54.924927 -1.523932
NE37 1NH 13 0 54.914331 -1.535211
NE37 1NJ 20 0 54.91584 -1.534975
NE37 1NL 1 1 54.917389 -1.533381
NE37 1NP 3 1 54.919994 -1.535473
NE37 1NQ 20 0 54.913188 -1.537111
NE37 1NR 16 0 54.921139 -1.538814
NE37 1NS 4 0 54.920658 -1.535434
NE37 1NT 8 0 54.920528 -1.534203
NE37 1NU 2 0 54.919827 -1.532274
NE37 1NW 15 0 54.918732 -1.534567
NE37 1NX 3 0 54.920575 -1.532377
NE37 1NY 24 0 54.921422 -1.535301
NE37 1PB 1 1 54.907901 -1.545859
NE37 1PF 12 12 54.909414 -1.549426
NE37 1PG 34 0 54.920906 -1.536602
NE37 1PH 1 1 54.923673 -1.534151
NE37 1PJ 10 0 54.921556 -1.532896
NE37 1PL 24 0 54.921414 -1.533319
NE37 1PN 14 0 54.920774 -1.532625