all postcodes in NE37 / WASHINGTON

find any address or company within the NE37 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE37 1PP 20 15 54.907879 -1.552297
NE37 1PQ 9 0 54.921039 -1.53387
NE37 1PR 8 7 54.90772 -1.548229
NE37 1PX 52 0 54.922898 -1.531258
NE37 1PZ 28 0 54.923444 -1.528303
NE37 1QA 18 0 54.911364 -1.532359
NE37 1QB 27 0 54.911934 -1.533507
NE37 1QD 5 0 54.912204 -1.531086
NE37 1QE 21 0 54.912161 -1.531788
NE37 1QF 7 0 54.912273 -1.532676
NE37 1QG 21 0 54.912736 -1.531688
NE37 1QH 12 0 54.912222 -1.533597
NE37 1QL 16 0 54.921426 -1.538655
NE37 1QQ 19 0 54.912707 -1.533482
NE37 1QW 2 2 54.911066 -1.546585
NE37 1RA 31 0 54.906116 -1.532311
NE37 1RB 39 0 54.905974 -1.532843
NE37 1RD 35 0 54.905352 -1.53232
NE37 1RL 28 0 54.904519 -1.535511
NE37 1RN 28 0 54.905174 -1.535301