all postcodes in NE38 / WASHINGTON

find any address or company within the NE38 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE38 8DD 0 54.902953 -1.507443
NE38 8DE 0 54.903547 -1.507685
NE38 8DF 0 54.90318 -1.508126
NE38 8DH 0 54.902186 -1.50675
NE38 8DJ 0 54.901789 -1.506194
NE38 8DL 0 54.902128 -1.50555
NE38 8DN 0 54.902981 -1.505509
NE38 8DP 0 54.902726 -1.504623
NE38 8DQ 0 54.901885 -1.50783
NE38 8DR 0 54.902451 -1.503425
NE38 8DS 0 54.902132 -1.504334
NE38 8DT 0 54.901739 -1.504978
NE38 8DU 0 54.903885 -1.509053
NE38 8DW 0 54.90341 -1.504942
NE38 8DX 0 54.904643 -1.507578
NE38 8DY 0 54.904767 -1.509432
NE38 8DZ 0 54.904432 -1.510934
NE38 8EA 0 54.903189 -1.510216
NE38 8EB 0 54.904093 -1.505027
NE38 8ED 0 54.90394 -1.507119