all postcodes in NE38 / WASHINGTON

find any address or company within the NE38 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE38 8EE 0 54.904581 -1.503493
NE38 8EF 0 54.903946 -1.50414
NE38 8EG 0 54.903978 -1.503219
NE38 8EH 0 54.902788 -1.502298
NE38 8EJ 0 54.903273 -1.502136
NE38 8EL 0 54.903841 -1.502519
NE38 8EN 0 54.901345 -1.500882
NE38 8EP 0 54.901305 -1.502067
NE38 8EQ 0 54.9031 -1.503745
NE38 8ER 0 54.901867 -1.503401
NE38 8ES 0 54.901355 -1.503345
NE38 8ET 0 54.90115 -1.50603
NE38 8EU 0 54.900121 -1.504889
NE38 8EW 0 54.901844 -1.502029
NE38 8EX 0 54.900927 -1.50413
NE38 8EY 0 54.900072 -1.503876
NE38 8EZ 0 54.899611 -1.503148
NE38 8HA 0 54.900193 -1.502829
NE38 8HB 0 54.900759 -1.50276
NE38 8HD 0 54.900547 -1.501437