all postcodes in NE40 / RYTON

find any address or company within the NE40 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE40 3DQ 0 54.973483 -1.750971
NE40 3DR 0 54.969984 -1.7494
NE40 3DS 0 54.969882 -1.747948
NE40 3DT 0 54.97108 -1.750281
NE40 3DU 0 54.971002 -1.750846
NE40 3DW 0 54.971378 -1.749766
NE40 3DX 0 54.969584 -1.75137
NE40 3DY 0 54.970509 -1.751021
NE40 3DZ 0 54.972651 -1.748227
NE40 3EA 0 54.969437 -1.750044
NE40 3EB 0 54.968914 -1.749094
NE40 3ED 1 54.967395 -1.749057
NE40 3EE 0 54.96655 -1.748843
NE40 3EF 0 54.964877 -1.747792
NE40 3EG 0 54.966228 -1.749454
NE40 3EJ 0 54.968742 -1.748408
NE40 3EL 0 54.969066 -1.748765
NE40 3EN 0 54.968777 -1.748001
NE40 3EP 0 54.969485 -1.746904
NE40 3EQ 0 54.965948 -1.748722