all postcodes in NE40 / RYTON

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE40 3ER 1 54.96996 -1.746619
NE40 3ES 1 54.970608 -1.746803
NE40 3ET 0 54.97033 -1.748161
NE40 3EW 0 54.969206 -1.746827
NE40 3EX 4 54.965272 -1.748864
NE40 3EY 0 54.970731 -1.745506
NE40 3EZ 0 54.970378 -1.748491
NE40 3HA 0 54.968786 -1.752422
NE40 3HB 0 54.968211 -1.752629
NE40 3HD 0 54.967557 -1.75346
NE40 3HE 0 54.967229 -1.751401
NE40 3HF 6 54.973075 -1.762628
NE40 3HG 0 54.973389 -1.76342
NE40 3HH 0 54.972488 -1.752462
NE40 3HJ 1 54.972874 -1.752178
NE40 3HL 0 54.972305 -1.750651
NE40 3HN 0 54.972259 -1.750182
NE40 3HP 0 54.971292 -1.752032
NE40 3HQ 7 54.972738 -1.761487
NE40 3HR 0 54.970653 -1.751426