all postcodes in NE40 / RYTON

find any address or company within the NE40 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE40 3JT 0 54.968818 -1.759357
NE40 3JW 0 54.969773 -1.755899
NE40 3JX 0 54.967776 -1.75488
NE40 3JY 0 54.96853 -1.754876
NE40 3JZ 0 54.968133 -1.753972
NE40 3LB 1 54.972211 -1.761961
NE40 3LD 0 54.971931 -1.761385
NE40 3LE 0 54.971498 -1.760341
NE40 3LF 0 54.970089 -1.761318
NE40 3LG 0 54.969502 -1.764476
NE40 3LH 0 54.969884 -1.762241
NE40 3LJ 0 54.971402 -1.761872
NE40 3LL 0 54.968828 -1.764574
NE40 3LN 0 54.969333 -1.76543
NE40 3LP 0 54.970378 -1.766533
NE40 3LQ 0 54.96985 -1.76299
NE40 3LR 0 54.970031 -1.763942
NE40 3LS 0 54.969902 -1.767052
NE40 3LT 2 54.972384 -1.763413
NE40 3LU 0 54.97135 -1.762825