all postcodes in NE40 / RYTON

find any address or company within the NE40 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE40 3LW 0 54.969406 -1.765883
NE40 3LX 0 54.971696 -1.765073
NE40 3LY 0 54.972099 -1.764383
NE40 3LZ 0 54.972323 -1.763976
NE40 3NA 6 54.972557 -1.76424
NE40 3ND 0 54.971984 -1.765696
NE40 3NE 0 54.971647 -1.767744
NE40 3NF 0 54.972025 -1.768086
NE40 3NG 0 54.970998 -1.766545
NE40 3NH 0 54.970877 -1.764718
NE40 3NJ 0 54.967615 -1.755288
NE40 3NL 1 54.96777 -1.756692
NE40 3NN 0 54.968858 -1.756951
NE40 3NP 0 54.968263 -1.755752
NE40 3NQ 0 54.96623 -1.750423
NE40 3NR 0 54.968826 -1.754593
NE40 3NS 0 54.969193 -1.754463
NE40 3NT 2 54.976487 -1.762199
NE40 3NU 1 54.976395 -1.760046
NE40 3NW 0 54.968237 -1.756408