all postcodes in NE41 / WYLAM

find any address or company within the NE41 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE41 8BB 17 0 54.981038 -1.827799
NE41 8BD 14 0 54.982898 -1.827104
NE41 8BE 5 0 54.983133 -1.828243
NE41 8BG 1 0 54.987675 -1.837804
NE41 8BH 5 0 54.987784 -1.825536
NE41 8BJ 4 0 54.988317 -1.821095
NE41 8BL 4 0 54.98289 -1.815713
NE41 8BP 1 0 54.979287 -1.80473
NE41 8BS 9 0 54.976768 -1.826708
NE41 8BT 12 0 54.97602 -1.824915
NE41 8BW 4 0 54.979708 -1.803665
NE41 8DE 12 0 54.978937 -1.822793
NE41 8DF 4 1 54.976169 -1.822149
NE41 8DG 2 0 54.975389 -1.824757
NE41 8DH 27 1 54.975469 -1.82323
NE41 8DN 3 2 54.975822 -1.818573
NE41 8DJ 22 0 54.975915 -1.820666
NE41 8DL 1 1 54.976182 -1.818977
NE41 8DP 8 1 54.975785 -1.817651
NE41 8DQ 4 0 54.975317 -1.824711