all postcodes in NE41 / WYLAM

find any address or company within the NE41 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE41 8DS 17 0 54.976097 -1.817474
NE41 8DW 2 0 54.976347 -1.816661
NE41 8DT 10 1 54.975318 -1.817997
NE41 8DU 9 0 54.975524 -1.81734
NE41 8DX 1 0 54.975729 -1.816777
NE41 8DZ 23 0 54.976338 -1.81493
NE41 8EB 4 2 54.977008 -1.812521
NE41 8ED 2 0 54.977966 -1.811498
NE41 8EE 31 1 54.977166 -1.816051
NE41 8EF 10 0 54.977241 -1.817926
NE41 8EG 11 0 54.978157 -1.817531
NE41 8EH 16 1 54.978578 -1.816935
NE41 8EJ 20 0 54.977898 -1.818392
NE41 8EL 20 2 54.978115 -1.819406
NE41 8EN 16 0 54.976911 -1.819755
NE41 8EP 4 0 54.977353 -1.820784
NE41 8EQ 14 0 54.978245 -1.816328
NE41 8ER 8 0 54.977868 -1.822626
NE41 8ES 29 0 54.977066 -1.821317
NE41 8ET 1 0 54.976028 -1.8184