all postcodes in NE45 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE45 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE45 5DP 3 0 54.975875 -2.012796
NE45 5DQ 2 1 54.97474 -2.01507
NE45 5DR 6 0 54.975686 -2.014233
NE45 5DS 40 0 54.976531 -2.014171
NE45 5DT 7 0 54.976594 -2.01164
NE45 5DU 4 0 54.976098 -2.011742
NE45 5DW 18 0 54.975282 -2.012733
NE45 5DX 10 0 54.976082 -2.009671
NE45 5DY 10 0 54.97584 -2.010218
NE45 5DZ 10 0 54.975804 -2.009703
NE45 5NB 21 0 54.975229 -2.010015
NE45 5EB 11 0 54.976999 -2.008375
NE45 5ED 4 0 54.976648 -2.009281
NE45 5EE 8 0 54.976855 -2.009437
NE45 5EF 4 0 54.977601 -2.009125
NE45 5EG 2 0 54.977491 -2.0079
NE45 5EH 17 0 54.978032 -2.007344
NE45 5EJ 6 0 54.979028 -2.006025
NE45 5EL 32 0 54.979839 -2.004844
NE45 5EN 2 0 54.979001 -2.004259