all postcodes in NE45 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE45 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE45 5EP 2 0 54.980205 -2.002728
NE45 5EQ 7 0 54.978616 -2.008485
NE45 5ER 4 0 54.976361 -2.008593
NE45 5EU 35 0 54.981562 -2.005369
NE45 5EW 6 0 54.97965 -2.003923
NE45 5EX 48 0 54.981402 -2.002688
NE45 5HA 2 0 54.975908 -2.01996
NE45 5HB 9 1 54.977043 -2.019686
NE45 5HD 4 0 54.973871 -2.013545
NE45 5HE 1 1 54.975757 -2.020467
NE45 5HF 5 0 54.976108 -2.02242
NE45 5HG 4 0 54.975973 -2.020889
NE45 5HH 6 0 54.976216 -2.01967
NE45 5HJ 27 0 54.976764 -2.019139
NE45 5HN 4 0 54.977258 -2.020155
NE45 5HP 6 0 54.976943 -2.021233
NE45 5HQ 2 0 54.975962 -2.019538
NE45 5HR 10 0 54.977797 -2.021186
NE45 5HS 8 0 54.97863 -2.021789
NE45 5HT 3 0 54.979082 -2.023953