all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 1AF 2 54.970095 -2.09738
NE46 1AH 0 54.965836 -2.096838
NE46 1AS 0 54.967575 -2.102122
NE46 1AT 0 54.969507 -2.102064
NE46 1AX 0 54.962823 -2.09933
NE46 1AY 0 54.964136 -2.098677
NE46 1AZ 0 54.963921 -2.097146
NE46 1BA 13 54.969983 -2.10205
NE46 1BB 10 54.969723 -2.101877
NE46 1BD 0 54.967328 -2.095967
NE46 1BF 0 54.967713 -2.09518
NE46 1BH 5 54.969382 -2.100814
NE46 1BJ 0 54.967688 -2.09564
NE46 1BL 0 54.967828 -2.100529
NE46 1BP 0 54.965025 -2.099648
NE46 1BS 3 54.966194 -2.098479
NE46 1BT 0 54.965808 -2.097479
NE46 1BU 3 54.968136 -2.097016
NE46 1BW 0 54.966767 -2.100574
NE46 1BX 0 54.968262 -2.09611