all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 2BA 0 54.965463 -2.111753
NE46 2BB 3 54.96595 -2.109974
NE46 2BD 0 54.966245 -2.111724
NE46 2BE 0 54.96592 -2.113082
NE46 2BG 0 54.965811 -2.114691
NE46 2BH 0 54.966755 -2.11474
NE46 2BJ 0 54.967456 -2.11418
NE46 2BL 0 54.966531 -2.113521
NE46 2BN 0 54.966551 -2.111741
NE46 2BQ 0 54.966244 -2.113286
NE46 2BS 0 54.967358 -2.113242
NE46 2BU 0 54.966291 -2.110834
NE46 2BW 0 54.967494 -2.112462
NE46 2BX 0 54.964225 -2.109969
NE46 2BY 0 54.964572 -2.114078
NE46 2DA 0 54.963935 -2.112249
NE46 2DB 0 54.968712 -2.106202
NE46 2DD 1 54.968388 -2.116416
NE46 2DE 0 54.968814 -2.110709
NE46 2DF 0 54.968141 -2.111854