all postcodes in NE4 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE4 7JD 8 7 54.966773 -1.622809
NE4 7JE 5 4 54.966496 -1.623202
NE4 7JH 2 2 54.966306 -1.623513
NE4 7JL 2 2 54.967029 -1.625084
NE4 7JN 8 8 54.967079 -1.625711
NE4 7JS 2 2 54.969041 -1.627627
NE4 7JT 7 1 54.968173 -1.630965
NE4 7JU 34 1 54.96937 -1.628627
NE4 7LB 2 2 54.968409 -1.63176
NE4 7LH 1 0 54.967672 -1.628767
NE4 7LJ 5 4 54.9668 -1.625776
NE4 7LN 1 1 54.960906 -1.64087
NE4 7NA 1 1 54.963791 -1.623227
NE4 7NL 2 2 54.963138 -1.639894
NE4 7NN 1 1 54.96253 -1.640712
NE4 7NQ 7 6 54.964037 -1.643182
NE4 7PD 6 5 54.964339 -1.644819
NE4 7PJ 5 5 54.964085 -1.646402
NE4 7QA 59 0 54.96654 -1.644722
NE4 7QS 26 1 54.967217 -1.632864